Dermaplaning, Facial, Smooth Facial

So Smooth Dermaplaning Facials are excellent for all skin types. Dermaplaning is a quick, non-invasive, painless medical aesthetic procedure with no recovery time that manually exfoliates dead skin cells and vellus hair.

Dermaplaning is used to soften, brighten and improve skin texture and tone resulting in fresh and radiant skin.

  • skin tone, texture, & brightness

  • hyperpigmentation & sun damage

  • fine line & wrinkles

So Smooth Facial includes cleansing, toning, dermaplaning, enzymes, masks, high frequency, & LED therapy, and all finishing products! As always, all products and LED are customised just for you and your skin!

What is the downtime?

You may be red for up to a few hours after, you can wear mineral makeup right away.

Does it hurt?

Not at all – no hair is being pulled out we use a surgical scalpel to scrape the surface of the skin removing dead skin and vellus hair.

How often should it be done?

This will vary depending on the rate of your hair growth, generally every 4-6 weeks.

Will it make my hair grow back thicker/darker?

No, dermaplaning will not alter your natural hair growth.

What are the Benefits?

Dermaplaning allows for better absorption of serums and products, removes peach fuzz and dead skin, prevents oil and dirt from getting trapped on skin, diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, results in smoother skin texture and a brightened complexion, increased skin cell turnover, reduces the appearance of acne scars, allows for smoother application of cosmetics. Dermaplaning is great when added onto a facial, or one week before a chemical peel or microneedling treatment! There is also no downtime!

Are there any restrictions on who can be treated?

We are unable to treat those on Accutane within the last year.