Seraphina Advanced Skincare was founded in 2020, after years of using many brands of skincare and passionately researching ingredients and formulations. From there my vision expanded. Now, I am bringing the same passion for effective, advanced skin treatments into a clinical setting, to help you achieve your very best skin. Welcome to The Aesthetica by Seraphina.

Founder and Owner - Face behind the scene

As a total skincare junkie, I have tried so many products and treatments over the years. Some I loved, some not so much... But all that helped me determine and create exactly what I wanted! I want results-oriented treatments, and beautiful, effective products for myself, and that is exactly what I decided to offer within The Aesthetica treatment rooms. As a busy mom to 5 littles, I know the struggle of finding time for selfcare. My own experiences with aging also left me feeling confused and overwhelmed about the best treatment options for myself. At The Aesthetica, my goal is to minimise that overwhelm and provide an environment in which you can feel and look your best. Excellent home care is essential for the best results, but we live in a full of harsh elements that can really take their toll on our skin. Home care, combined with advanced clinical skin treatments, will help your skin maintain balance and clarity, and revive it to its full potential.

My passion for clinical skin treatments stems from my deep desire to provide meaningful and transformative results. Changes to our skin don’t happen overnight. Just as it took time to get where we are, it will take time to correct it. The exciting thing is, is that we CAN change the appearance of our skin. Realistic expectations are important, as is consistency with treatments and home care. But having the patience to see your treatments through will get you the very best results. Just think, 4-6 months from now, you have the potential to see your skin in a whole new way. Acne can be managed, fine lines can be smoothed, and hyperpigmentation can be faded. And I would love to help you meet these skin goals.

— Jennifer Centola, founder & Advanced Clinical Aesthetician



I sought to create a skincare line that blends all of my favourite active ingredients, my favourite antioxidants, and my favourite botanical ingredients together, to create a range of products that to address all skin concerns. I am confident you will love Seraphina Advanced Skincare as much as I do.