O2 Facial

Re-oxygenate your skin from the inside out with our O2 Facial. This facial exfoliates the upper skin layer to remove dead cells, open clogged pores, smooth the surface and renew the skin. The treatment generates an abundance of CO2 bubbles that permeate the upper skin layer. This harnesses the natural processes of the body to oxygenate the skin from within with the Bohr Effect. During the Bohr Effect, the body sends O2-rich blood to the skin to replace the CO2. This results in optimal skin oxygenation and increased cellular activity.

  • soothing and relaxing

  • natural skin oxygenation from within by Bohr effect

  • infusion of natural & powerful active ingredients to the skin

  • long term skin texture and appearance improvement

  • suitable for all skin types

  • treatments for face & body

  • never tested on animals

  • vegan ingredients

  • no downtime

Our standard O2 Facial includes ultrasound therapy, for maximum product absorption. Make this treatment LUXE for additional masking and add-ons like high frequency and LED. Tripollar RF Therapy is also available as an add-on for this service.

What should I expect?

Expect your skin to feel smooth, plumped, and hydrated! This is a non-invasive facial, that feels great and yields excellent results!

Who should not have a Re-Oxygenate O2 Facial?

Re-Oxygenate O2 Facials are is not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, taking Accutane or other medications similar, have had Botox and or fillers within the last 2 weeks, are taking certain Antibiotics, if you have had a recent light or laser treatment, chemical peel, facial waxing, recent facial steroid injection, recent microdermabrasion, recent surgical procedure or skin infection, recent sunburn or recent changes in moles or growths in the treatment area. If you have an active or unstable medical condition such as epilepsy, cancer, autoimmune disease, or diabetes then treatment should be deferred. If you have a history of cold sores, an anti-viral medication may be prescribed by the physician at your consult. You may notice increased bruising if you are on aspirin or other blood thinners. Recent Retin-A or retinoid use may make your skin more sensitive and red and should be stopped 7 days before treatment.

Is there any downtime from this treatment?

There is no downtime. You can make plans for right after your treatment. Your results will last for several weeks or longer if you follow with recommended skincare.

Prior to the treatment, you should:

• have had a skin consultation

• ensure that you have reviewed this information and that you have had enough opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to your complete satisfaction

• ensure that you have signed the consent form

• start prophylactic antiviral therapy if you have a history of cold sores

• avoid strong topical creams (Retin-A, AHAs, etc.) for at least 7 days before and after treatment

• notify me at your consultation or at your treatment if you have an upcoming important event

On the day of treatment you will/may/should:

• feel a pleasant bubbling sensation during the treatment

•feel some slight tingling sensation during the treatment

• notice that your skin will appear well hydrated and moist immediately after the treatment

• not apply anything to your skin until this moisture is absorbed

• avoid direct sun immediately after treatment until you can apply sunscreen

• delay reintroducing stronger topical retinoid serums/creams for at least 48hrs after your treatment

• drink extra water